Friday, November 28, 2014

Am I All Alone Today?

I used to cry when I'm lonely, I was lonely because I never found anyone beside me. Now it's different, I cry because everyone's around but no one understands. This tottaly makes me feel alone.

I'm stronger today than I was yesterday, but I'm still weak today, not as weak as I was yesterday though. I like complicating myself so I would understand what the people around me are complicated about.

I must be too complicating for others to understand. In my mind I feel like I'm so simple and generally an open book, but do people even bother to read my book?

It scares me so much to see that the closest people to me don't get me. This does make me question myself. Am I hanging out with the right group of people?

Am I the only one in this planet who feels that way? Or is it so normal to be put down by the person I love the most? Or are all the people I love the most against me? Am I wrong? Or am I not wrong?

Sometimes I even feel like I'm not treated as a lady. Sometimes the softer, weaker side of me is not being respected, but instead it's almost always taken for granted.

But thank you God for always listening to my prayers<3

Monday, November 24, 2014

Relieve Stress Instantly!

Everybody gets stressed! Being a human being is STRESSFUL!

(Based on my own experience) Here are TEN things that have worked well FOR ME:

Number One:

Easy! Just take DEEP BREATHS!

Number Two:

Stop eating fast! You don't want to stress your digestive system.. IT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD!

Number Three:

Read! Whatever that interests you: a story, a magazine, or even a blog (MY BLOG!)
If you still can't find something interesting, you just must read a Holy book:) take that tip from me, it helps a LOT!

Number Four:

Exercise at least ten minutes each other day. Or 20 minutes only 3 times a week!
If you're too lazy just try exercising for at least a minute each day.. then you'll feel like wanting more!
OR you can even try yoga/ Mindfulness exercises: focusing on your own body, your own thoughts, your own present.

Number Five:

Practice your hobby! I like drawing when I'm stressed, it calms me down, and keeps me patient.

Number Six:

Scream and shout it out!
Shout out loud whatever you want to say to yourself or you could even sing it in a rhythm!

Number Seven:

Talk it out.. Talk to a friend.. or even talk to yourself! (you understand yourself better that's why it always feels good)

Number Eight:

Fake a smile or Fake a laugh.. It actually tricks your mind to make you happy! Be positive and laugh about everything that sounds a bit funny!

Number Nine:

Drink Green Tea! Or Jasmine Tea! They both work perfectly AHH i'll go have one right now!

Number Ten:

Sleep 7-8 hours each day! Adjust a specific time to sleep and wake up exactly the same each day.. and feel the difference!

I'm Being Anti-social!

I don't know what is wrong with me.. I used to be the most talkative person in the world. Having long conversations with people used to be my thing, my title. BUT NOT ANYMORE.

I do not know if this would go away and whether I'll get back to normal or not, it must be okay to be anti-social for a few days.. but for MONTHS?! Heh I'm not sure.

I literally ignore most of the people who talk to me. I just am not in the mood to speak or answer those stupid questions. Everyone around me seems stupid or rude. Sometimes I even feel like I'm the nicest person alive, and being nice means to shut the fu** up unless I had something nice to say.

WHERE ARE THE GOOD PEOPLE? definitely not in my world?! But this had taught me when to reply to rude comments.. and to ignore most of the immature and annoying people.

Alright, I think I should end this positively: I do believe that things do get better by time, and we all go through times when we're not ourselves. In the end, all heartaches heal like all wounds we get but then suddenly forget about. Everything eventually gets better.. because this is life, its filled with ups and downs, we just got to be strong enough to get up when we fall.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ebola Who?

The reason why I'm actually writing about something that we hear everyday is because all I know about “Ebola” is that it reminds me of President Obama's face. I even once thought that it was a bomb!

What is Ebola?

Ebola is a deadly virus that has started in West Africa and it is said that it is powerful enough to kill all the human population. (But that won't happen)

Ebola has started killing people since February 2014 and so far it had killed more than 3000 people and still there is no cure. It basically kills a person's immune system which leads to fever, headache, muscle pain, and even internal bleeding. The US government is helping to find a cure to this deadly virus in different ways.

How did Ebola start to spread?

People believe that only one person was infected and then passed it to another. This one person could have caught a disease from a forest animal, and this is by eating bush meat (it is the meat of wild forest animals in Africa like bats, birds, and even monkeys!). WHY ARE THEY KILLING MONKEYS FOR FOOD ='( I'D RATHER DIE HUNGRY!

Is it True?

Some other people think that Ebola is a conspiracy(an evil plan) made by the US government so they'd convince the citizens of Africa to take poisonous vaccines and after they all die, the US would take over Africa and all its goods. WOULD YOU BELIEVE THAT? I personally don't believe this sh** because the US government is putting so much effort to help cure the patients of Ebola.  

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Voices in My Head!

You hear those voices in your head?
Haven't you ever asked yourself what is responsible of them?
Don't they sometimes bother you?
Personally, I find them annoying... but they sometimes get me laughing all by myself making other people's little voices say “That sick bit**”

Those voices in our head come from our memory (obviously)
they're called “Sound Memories”

For example:

Say that sentence out loud then say it again in your head:

“Mommy! Mommy! I found a little bug!”

Isn't the sentence you said out loud familiar to how you said it in your mind? It's all part of our memory.

I'll sum it up this way: our brain acquires language and after that it practices it all the time.

One research says: “The human auditory system is capable of 'replaying' sound memories, which is what happens whenever you think of any sound you've heard, including when you "say" something in your head.”

but sometimes there are two voices, or even more!
There are still a lot of research going around this topic but after reading few researches online I figured out that because those two voices are always arguing with themselves (ps. All the voices are you speaking), they definitely mean that we tend to have internal conflicts to figure things out. Human beings are known to be very curious creatures, so we tend to ask ourselves so many questions (whatever subject it was about).

I used to think that one voice was the angel telling me something and the other voice came from the devil.. since they're usually positive and negative thoughts. But after I researched I actually got convinced that it was just me arguing with myself.