Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Realizing What Life is.


     I came back to talk a little bit more about myself. It is true that I am just another teenager, but I just have a lot going in my mind. I have been thinking about my future much, I have set many many plans and goals that I cannot wait to achieve. When I say that to people, usually those older than me, they'd tell me that I'm rushing and that I'm still too young, but I think that it is just the right time!

     I am now still 16 years old, I feel like this year had been the longest year for me so far. I'm going to turn 17 in just 72 days, which is in 2 months and 12 days. YES I've been counting the days! I really want 16 to end because I'm desperately looking forward to change a lot of things in my life right after graduation which will be a week after my birthday, and I chose that time because it is when I'll finally be independent. Yes, I want 16 to end but I love 16 because it had taught me a lot about myself, a lot about my friends, and a lot about my family. I have noticed that a lot of things are not going the way they should, so here is where I thought I should step in and make a change.

     First, and most importantly, me. My past, present and future are all affecting me in one way or another. My past is the creepiest of them all because it is still haunting me. There is just something in my mind that keeps reminding me of the past. How everything was so perfect: I had a beautiful family and I basically was granted what ever I had wished for, then the present comes in and says "well, not anymore!" My mother is no longer here, my father is no longer as rich as he was, and well.. my sisters... They're just like me. I know that things are getting better but not yet the best and that's when I stepped in and said "I have hope that the future is going to be the best!"

     I used to be very ignorant and maybe a little shy that I did not realize what was going on around me, but there's just something out there that made me change the bad stuff about me and made me realize who I really am. Maybe after all the bad experiences, I learned to be myself and most importantly, be generous. Maybe a lot of people, even the closest ones to me, haven't noticed any change, but I have because I finally know what I want to achieve and I finally set a goal.

     Second, friends friends friends. I am very blessed to have those great people around me, now I know who the real friends are, and yay I'm so happy I have them in my life! Like any other person, I have many friends, but it takes time and patience to figure out who the real ones are. It takes time to realize who are the ones that are trustworthy and worthy, I had to go through lots of trouble to find out that yes that friend stood with me till the end and the other one didn't even care. It takes patience to get over the ones that cheat on you and disappoint you, most of those turn out to be "the popular backstabbers", but even after all this, you should know that no matter what happens, and no matter what people say about you, the real friends will stay forever. Till eternity.

     Last and definitely not least, FAMILY. I just thank god every single day that I have them around. I have my father who have always put so much effort to make us happy, my sisters who never leave my side no matter what, and my tiny brothers that never fail to make me smile. After all what this family had been through, I have learned that no matter what, no matter where, no matter why, they are and will always be the most precious thing I have and they must always come first whether I like it or not. They know my bright side and my dark side but they never leave my side. I love them.

     Life gives you two choices: either to live happily or depressingly. You chose. We all go through problems and tragedies but shit happens and its up to us whether to flush that shit away and all the other shits that come after it, or leave the shit and all the other shits and wait for life to stink.